Sunday 12 April 2009

Wealth Creation Cycle

The brain is one of the mysterious and the least understood organ in the body, and yet it is said to carry the power that until now have remained untapped. This untapped power determines whether we live a fulfilled or broken life. Do you ever get the feeling that if you could make money, all your problems would be over?

As we start having more money come our way, use it to remove more and more of the signs of poverty in our life and environment, and replace them with even more signs of wealth. The basic premise of "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hills and "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Wattles is that the universe is filled with an Infinite Intelligence that connects all things. There are so many people who look at their present and past circumstances and conclude that they are not able to do any better. We know that it is the farthest thing from the truth.

Wealth Creation Cycle

By the Law of Attraction, what we focus on gets bigger. If we focus on lack, we create lack. If we focus on abundance we create abundance. It is as simple as that. Nothing is more important than that we feel good when we are creating and designing our life with abundance! Have you ever spoken to successful people about their relationships with their money? I have. All of them told me that they love and appreciate their money.

Rogers Hamilton Ontario

If we fail due to the resistant from within which we fail to tackle first before starting the wealth exercises themselves, we are doomed to be poor! It is said that "Sow flowers in our brain, not weeds." If we consider we will always be belligerent to get in front, then we always will.

Most of us have to work to our goal, weed out opportunities, make the right friends and find that X factor. With the understanding of wealth dynamics, your success is near! With Wealth Dynamics, every time we receive a paycheck, every time someone gives us money for any reason, every time we get a great deal or save money in some way, we will naturally appreciate the fact that money is flowing into our life. Awesome!

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