Wednesday 14 October 2009

Statue Of Akasha

What is your dominant belief about money or wealth? We all have the power to attract the money that we want in our life - so that we experience the freedom we desire.

The poor are unwilling to spend money on what they truly desire or at the level of quality they desire not because they don't have the money, but because they are afraid to do so. They are more conscious of loss and not having enough, instead of seeing the value of having something more in exchange, or the supply that is always coming in. It is their poor relationship with money and material things that causes them to have such a poor experience of money and material things. Poverty is created by them. The rich is totally opposite! When the rich make a decision, they never let money be a factor that stops them from getting what they desire. When there is a wish, there is a way. The rich create a wealthy environment around them so that they can become Even richer! One reminder though - our belief and desire will not materialize anything. We will be required to take actions in some way. We must be ready when opportunities present themselves to us and we must ensure that we are open to receive them however they manifest.

Statue Of Akasha

We must be aware of where negative beliefs about money sneak up on us. The saying "what you ask, you shall receieve" may sound too easy and simple. We ask and we receive? What, just like that? Yes, just like that. What we struggle with is "allowing" the manifestation. It is our birthright to attract wealth, love, friendship, health, joy and happiness.

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Many people feel pressure and pain in the tips of the fingers when they are think about money. This is not good as the negative emotions manifest itself into poverty. For some the mere though about money manifests itself into sadness and worse still into pain in the jaws It is said that "Sow flowers in our brain, not weeds." The amount of money we make is a excellent indicator of our understanding or consciousness of it. Increase our knowledge and understanding about money and surely we'll attract more of it.

Most of us have to work to our goal, weed out opportunities, make the right friends and find that X factor. With the understanding of wealth dynamics, your success is near! Last but not least, we shall never let fear or doubt enter our mind. There is nothing else we need in order to succeed, except the power of our own mind.

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Obama Spread The Wealth

What you feel about money or wealth? Many people look at wealthy people like they are a completely different species from the "normal folk" which is further from the triuh.

The subconscious impression of abundance in wealth creates conditions for us to be wealthy. Seeing abundance in one area, in this case, wealth, creates a mental shift and allows us to start seeing and feeling more abundance in our life. The universal laws of attraction are in action whether you know it or believe it. Thus, it is important that you execute them to attract what you desire. The manifestation process begins in the mind, and is aided by Infinite Intelligence, and then is completed by action, according to both Wallace Wattles and Napoleon Hills.

Obama Spread The Wealth

Negative beliefs about money have a tendency to sneak up on all of us because of our social make-up. We must always think positive thoughts about the money that we do have, see it growing, see it flowing in and out of our bank account with ease. Our emotional vibes ties in with our beliefs. People tend to have mixed attitudes that stem from greater belief systems, when it comes to creating money.

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There are many wonderful books which teach us about attracting wealth using law of attraction. We must learn them. It is said that "Sow flowers in our brain, not weeds." Prosperity affirmations can help us to attain any monetary goal we yearn for.

In summary, we need to achieve a state when our subconscious mind is accessible and in a perfect state for reprogramming. When we are in that state, we are ready for the success we have been manifesting! Today, get a notebook, and write down all the money-making ideas you can think of. It doesn't matter how stupid or outrageous the ideas might seem stupid but write them down anyway. Then take actions on one of the ideas! This build your taking-action muscle!

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Generational Wealth And Equity

Everybody wants to be wealthy. In order to be wealthy, it is important to know that the way we think is what we create in our inner world. The way we talk and act is what we express in our outer world. I am sure if you ask any successful entrepreneur about their journey to success, tehy will tell that it s been a tremendous journey for them over the last year, growing in finance, and then spending on things they ve toyed with and created memorable magic moments with. I can tell you now that, form the same experrence that I myself have is the exciting flow that comes with money.

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Remember that our actions either create subconscious impressions of wealth or poverty. By choosing to buy the best and quality products, based on need, for ourselves, we are saying that we are worth it, that ye are the best and deserve the best. We must remember that our present circumstances have absolutely no bearing on the future that is possible for us. There are so many people who look at their present and past circumstances and conclude that they are not able to do any better. We know that it is the farthest thing from the truth.

Generational Wealth And Equity

The key to the secret of wealth is that if you feel you have to work hard for money, you will. If you feel it will be easy for you to obtain money, sure it will. Negative beliefs about money have a tendency to sneak up on all of us because of our social make-up. If we want to create more money in our life, it is important to create space for that money! We can do so by paying our bills; paying those we owe; asking for payment for those who owe us; straightening our files; creating a plan for our money, or handling our emotional issues around money.

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One believes that having wealth consciousness is the only way to attract wealth because they have indeed attract wealth at some point of time in their life. Riches comes to us as energy, as an exchange of the energy we put out for it and has direct ties to our feelings about ourselves and our beliefs about how to become rich. By frequently aphorisms, we do not desire in our life - such as "I'm forever bankrupt", as our mind will deem it so and we will mistakenly incapacitate our efforts so as to make that declaration true.

All we really need to know is that the outside world is a reflection of the state of our inner mind. Knowing that fact, one can make every day from this day forward a little more joyful and a little more abundant, and then, watch life begin to change, for the better. As you can see, there are many ways for us to train the subconscious attract wealth. Start doing it today!

Monday 13 April 2009

Wealth Intelligence Academy

Attracting wealth is not as difficult as many would think. Our ideas toward money and prosperity are drilled into us from when we are young and depending on who we are surrounded with

We must become wealthy. By becoming wealthy, we are in fact helping to be part of the cure to end all poverty in the world. I want to say something to anybody, especially you while reading this article - You may have failed at every endeavor you have ever tried before or maybe you have been working at the same dead end job for last donkey years. Maybe you dropped out of college and have always regretted it. All those are not even important!

Remember that no matter what is going on with you right now; no matter how average your existence may be at this moment; no matter what you have been told about wealth; no matter what unsolicited opinions people have given you that has shaped your own self image, dp know that you can create whatever future you want regardless of your current circumstances! When we understand the concept of "cause and effect" and take responsibility for our actions, we will realize that it is truly up to us to create the lives we want, and we can do it no matter what has happened up until this point; no matter what is going on around us and no matter what our appearances may indicate.

Wealth Intelligence Academy

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Come from a place that lack will only be our experience if we believe and project lack. When that happens, we are doomed! It is important to note that what we are radiating and vibrating in our life with our thoughts, words, emotion and beliefs we will attract to ourselves. We must always look for as many positive aspects of a situation that we can possibly find and write them down to remind ourselves.

Wealth And Prosperity

There are many wonderful books which teach us about attracting wealth using law of attraction. We must learn them. How much money we make is a direct reflection of our consciousness of it. Millionaires have a different belief system to the rest of the population.

Even though most of us have no control over our subconscious mind, we can train it to accept suggestions from us. These suggestion will enable the subconscious mind works in our favors in order to help us reach our ultimate life goals! If we can just reboot and refresh ourselves, gain higher states of intelligence and creativity, extreme ambition and a drive for success, we can attain our goals that much easier and better confidence will naturally be a magnet for wealth potential. The possibilities are endless.

Sunday 12 April 2009

Wealth Creation Cycle

The brain is one of the mysterious and the least understood organ in the body, and yet it is said to carry the power that until now have remained untapped. This untapped power determines whether we live a fulfilled or broken life. Do you ever get the feeling that if you could make money, all your problems would be over?

As we start having more money come our way, use it to remove more and more of the signs of poverty in our life and environment, and replace them with even more signs of wealth. The basic premise of "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hills and "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace Wattles is that the universe is filled with an Infinite Intelligence that connects all things. There are so many people who look at their present and past circumstances and conclude that they are not able to do any better. We know that it is the farthest thing from the truth.

Wealth Creation Cycle

By the Law of Attraction, what we focus on gets bigger. If we focus on lack, we create lack. If we focus on abundance we create abundance. It is as simple as that. Nothing is more important than that we feel good when we are creating and designing our life with abundance! Have you ever spoken to successful people about their relationships with their money? I have. All of them told me that they love and appreciate their money.

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If we fail due to the resistant from within which we fail to tackle first before starting the wealth exercises themselves, we are doomed to be poor! It is said that "Sow flowers in our brain, not weeds." If we consider we will always be belligerent to get in front, then we always will.

Most of us have to work to our goal, weed out opportunities, make the right friends and find that X factor. With the understanding of wealth dynamics, your success is near! With Wealth Dynamics, every time we receive a paycheck, every time someone gives us money for any reason, every time we get a great deal or save money in some way, we will naturally appreciate the fact that money is flowing into our life. Awesome!

Saturday 11 April 2009

Joseph Wealth System

Do you know that the difference between the rich and the poor is not in how much money they have, but in the way they talk, the way they act and the way they think? Do you ever get the feeling that if you could make money, all your problems would be over?

For the wealthy people in the world, manifesting or attracting money is just as easy and as natural as breathing! The universal laws of attraction are in action whether you know it or believe it. Thus, it is important that you execute them to attract what you desire. We we apply the Law of Attraction as outlined in the Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace Wattles or Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hills, then we understand that Infinite Intelligence is working on our behalf.

Joseph Wealth System

Nothing is more important than that we feel good when we are creating and designing our life with abundance! We must decide to say YES to money and line up what we want with what we feel. In order to be wealthy, all we need to do is ask with full understanding and faith that we will receive all that we desire. This is not a new idea and it was not made up. It is a tried and true axiom of nature dating back thousands of years.

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If we find our beliefs are resisting attraction then we have to either change our beliefs or erase them completely. Millionaires have a different belief system to the rest of the population. Starting on the road to financial independence has never been so easy with subliminal messaging technology which one can either get it from listening to CDs or reading books.

After reading this article, nobody will whine about how little money they have, but instead, they will bask in gratitude at the many ways in which they are already wealthy. It is true that our subconscious mind is the General that commands us in our waking and sleeping state. Knowing how to leverage the "General" to work for us, will guarantee us a winning battle in life!