Saturday, 11 April 2009

Joseph Wealth System

Do you know that the difference between the rich and the poor is not in how much money they have, but in the way they talk, the way they act and the way they think? Do you ever get the feeling that if you could make money, all your problems would be over?

For the wealthy people in the world, manifesting or attracting money is just as easy and as natural as breathing! The universal laws of attraction are in action whether you know it or believe it. Thus, it is important that you execute them to attract what you desire. We we apply the Law of Attraction as outlined in the Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace Wattles or Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hills, then we understand that Infinite Intelligence is working on our behalf.

Joseph Wealth System

Nothing is more important than that we feel good when we are creating and designing our life with abundance! We must decide to say YES to money and line up what we want with what we feel. In order to be wealthy, all we need to do is ask with full understanding and faith that we will receive all that we desire. This is not a new idea and it was not made up. It is a tried and true axiom of nature dating back thousands of years.

My Personal Wealth Creator 12

If we find our beliefs are resisting attraction then we have to either change our beliefs or erase them completely. Millionaires have a different belief system to the rest of the population. Starting on the road to financial independence has never been so easy with subliminal messaging technology which one can either get it from listening to CDs or reading books.

After reading this article, nobody will whine about how little money they have, but instead, they will bask in gratitude at the many ways in which they are already wealthy. It is true that our subconscious mind is the General that commands us in our waking and sleeping state. Knowing how to leverage the "General" to work for us, will guarantee us a winning battle in life!

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